Without UBI we are F*****

Duarte Molha
2 min readAug 3, 2020

The world is not ready for what is about to hit it.. And it is not a virus. But the virus was without a doubt a catalyst.

UBI cannot be implemented soon enough or we will have revolution on our doorsteps.

Ford’s bipedal autonomous car-to-door delivery robot

Amazon is already getting unbelievable profits by using slave wages because it was ready for the demand this virus would cause for convenient home deliveries.

It is now already ordering 100s of thousands of electric vans that will be equipped with autonomous sensors (and run by the autonomous company they also bought Zoox)

Amazon autonomous robots that transport packages in warehouses

Next step is probably buy a company like Boston dynamics to create robots for door delivery in low density housing areas (like the one in this shared video bellow), or , more likely, develop it in-house as they have already developed internal skills when they have automated their warehouses where the majority of previously human tasks have already been automated away

They are already developing flying bots to deliver to multiple story buildings in cities.

In 10 years time most of amazon will be an automated behemoth able to deliver at prices and speed completely unachievable by anyone else.

What will happen to the hundreds of millions of jobs this will displace?

Volvo’s New Driverless Truck Cuts the Cab

What happens when all heavy duty trucks on highways are autonomous and driving between autonomous hubs and another huge amount of well paid jobs get lost overnight… What about the jobs in hospitality that service those truck drivers? Gone.

Only a sliver of those people will be able to retrain and get jobs in a new paradigm.

The future will be all manual jobs and many of today’s intellectual jobs will be automated away.

Without a universal income given to all citizens that allow them to participate and live relatively comfortable lives in this new paradigm society WILL break down

Even though I love technology…. Every-time I see this the dawning realization of how fast this reality will hit us just causes me dread.

The generation of my kids will not have jobs waiting for them. What will happen then?

Scary stuff!



Duarte Molha

Bioinformatician, technophile, strong political views… sometimes harshly expressed